A Resource List for Onboarding Implementation

Posted in Talent & Onboarding

If you’ve downloaded our Modern Onboarding Blueprint you’ve got access to a first-rate comprehensive strategy for building a more effective, engaging onboarding experience.

Of course, that’s just the start. Wherever you are on that journey, you’ll be looking for more statistics, background, references, and ideas as you dig in and level up your onboarding.

You’re in the right place! Here in Enboarder’s blog and resource library we have scores of interesting articles and webinars to help you up your onboarding game. As you execute on the Modern Onboarding Blueprint, we thought it might be helpful to have a quick list for further reading – or watching.

Below is the 5-step checklist we included in the Blueprint. Here we’ve annotated each step with a shortlist of resources we think will be helpful along the way.

Let’s jump in.

Step 1 – Ask Yourself: What level is my onboarding at currently?

Use the Onboarding Maturity Model to determine which level your company is at. The goal? Get to level four!

Further reading (and watching) list:

Step 2 – Choose a pilot segment

You can start small and find a segment of your business to pilot experience-driven
onboarding before expanding to the rest of the organization. Which onboarding experience do you want to fix first? Where are you having the most trouble with new hire churn? What does the current onboarding process look like in that segment?

Further reading (and watching) list:

Image by d3images on Freepik

Step 3 – Design your pilot by applying the model

Apply the 4C model to determine how to change the journey. Which C is missing? Is human connection at the center of your journey? How can you add an experience layer to each moment?

Further reading (and watching) list:

Step 4 – Measure success

Use satisfaction surveys as your leading indicator. Align this data to your key business metrics. Test and learn (does adding a buddy or mentor program impact your metrics?)

Further reading (and watching) list:

Step 5 – Time to scale journeys into additional moments in the employee journey

Which other moments in the employee experience could use a refresh? How can you apply the 4C model to transitions, learning & development, parental leave, and even offboarding?

Further reading (and watching) list:

Looking for more hands-on help mapping your onboarding journey? Download the full Modern Onboarding Blueprint or contact us today to connect with our team to learn how Enboarder can help you up-level your onboarding experience.

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