Creating Critical Connections for Deskless Workers

Creating Critical Connections for Deskless Workers

Build an experience of work that respects and reflects the day-to-day reality of all employees.

Deskless workers exist across all industries and some of our most critical jobs. They range from highly skilled healthcare workers to sales professionals, manufacturing workers, field technicians, scientists, teachers, gig workers, trades workers — and an army of frontline and service workers.


These employees use as many or more technology tools as their colleagues in offices — accessing applications at shared workstations or through heavy use of BYOD, mobile devices, and other portable technology. But still, they often have to make do with technology that is poorly retrofitted to their needs — making them feel less connected and devalued.

In this executive brief, you’ll learn:

The unique challenges of managing deskless workers

How Enboarder can help you connect your deskless workforce

Two examples of how companies like yours used technology to streamline communications


Build Better Human Connections with Enboarder