5 Simple Ways Companies Can Build More Human Connection at Work

5 Simple Ways Companies Can Build More Human Connection at Work

Research shows employees desperately want to be more connected with their co-workers. And that connection will give your business the competitive edge. This e-book gives you new ideas for building connection across the employee journey.

What makes the biggest difference in employee happiness, productivity, and engagement?

If there’s anything we’ve learned over the past couple years, it’s not how “open” your office is or which free snack you offer – without question, the biggest influence on your employees’ performance and well-being is how connected they feel at work.


The question now is how can you help foster these relationships, especially when your teams are often distributed across different locations and even time zones?

In this e-book, you will learn:

Top reasons employees feel disconnected and how to prevent them

Tips to maximize the time employees are together face-to-face, while maintaining those connections digitally

Best practices for rolling out a successful buddy/mentor program


Build Better Human Connections with Enboarder