New Hire Starting While Office Works Remotely: What to Do?

Posted in Talent & Onboarding

While some companies are placing freezes on their hiring, there are also industries where it’s never been more crucial to fill roles and fill them fast. 

For other companies, new starters are scheduled to join them over the next coming weeks and months. At Enboarder, we even found ourselves in this position! We transitioned into working remotely a week before our new SDR was set to join us.

But we didn’t let a little thing known as social distancing get in the way of giving our new hire a world-class onboarding. Remote workers deserve the same experience as in-office workers and if we’ve learnt one thing, you don’t have to onboard someone in person to be an onboarding rockstar!

We know that like us, many of you are working from home for the first time and have never had to onboard new hires remotely.

If your entire organization is working from home for the first time, a great onboarding experience can become a real challenge.

Getting the new hire set up for work with the right equipment and IT is one thing, but sparking human connections from afar in this essential time is even more difficult.

We’re opening up the workflow we used to remotely onboard our new hire and making it available for free for all our customers who find themselves in a similar position.


Tell us more! What’s in it?

Ok, if you insist! We’re lifting the veil on what we did and why.

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Video On The Go

Just because you’re onboarding remotely doesn’t mean the process should be a one-way street. Make sure you open the lines of communication and keep them open!

The best practice workflow utilizes our video on the go feature to make sure your new starter’s remote onboarding experience is as interactive, human and personalized as possible.

Pre-boarding nudges

We know how crucial it is for managers and buddies to connect with their new hires. Now that you’ve removed that initial in-person meeting, it’s never been more important to connect your new hire with their manager and/or buddy before their first day.

Our workflow is built to optimize connection with prompts for managers and buddies to send videos and ‘virtual wows’ that deliver the same level of onboarding, just remotely!

Weekly check-ins 

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again. Human connection is paramount when it comes to a wow onboarding experience and open communication is the key to unlocking this.

Our workflow focuses on weekly communication (at the very least!) during the onboarding stage. We know that communication frequency is different for everyone, which is why our workflow is designed to prompt check-ins with managers and new starters. These are opportunities to openly discuss how the communication is going and help them to determine what level of communication they need going forwards.

Learn how to onboard your remote new hires

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