Mastering Exit Interviews: A Guide for HR Professionals

Posted in Employee Experience

It can feel like a gut punch when an employee gives notice. Especially when that employee has been a great performer or culture catalyst. As a manager or an HR team member, it’s natural to wonder why – and how to prevent one quit from becoming a trend. You might be concerned about what wasn’t working for them. Or where things might be broken. You might be worried about the gap they’ll leave behind.

But the truth is, leaving a job happens to most of us. As Ironman Tony Stark famously said, “Part of the journey is the end.” And that is as true about the employee journey as any other. A resignation letter doesn’t always mean something is wrong.

But it could.

Your job, as an HR professional, is to find out what’s going on. And your best tool is an exit interview.

And to be clear. This is also a golden opportunity. Exit interviews, often overlooked, can be invaluable in diagnosing snags in employee experience, and reveal invaluable insights into your workplace culture, employee experience, and organizational weaknesses.

Done well, these (sometimes painfully) honest and candid conversations are more than mere formality. They are a way to bid farewell in a manner that respects and values the departing employee, and turn leavers into brand advocates, rather than bitter, lost talents.

Let’s dive into what makes an exit interview successful, with tips on how you can leverage them in the employee journey. Even at the end.

What Is an Exit Interview?

An exit interview is a structured conversation between an organization and a departing employee. Whether a survey or conducted in real time or in person by a member of the HR team, this interview aims to gather honest feedback about the employee’s experience in your company. It’s the opposite of quiet quitting – and your chance to understand why an employee is leaving and to gain insights into the company’s work environment, culture, and processes.

Exit interviews are usually unique in the employee journey. They offer a rare opportunity for candid feedback that current employees might be hesitant to share. Departing employees have little to lose and are often more open and honest about their experiences. This makes them gold for organizational improvement. It can highlight recurring issues, pinpoint areas for development, and provide actionable insights to enhance employee retention and satisfaction that may help quell future employee turnover.

But only if you can create an environment where departing employees feel they can be heard.

You may need to start with what an exit interview ISN’T, as you could be fighting an uphill battle against misconceptions and myths. Here are a few to look out for:

  • Myth #1: It’s just a checkbox. A common belief among employees is that these interviews are a mere formality with no real impact. Reassure them that you do care what they have to say, and they can speak candidly.
  • Myth #2: Nothing they say will matter. Some employees might think exit interviews are only for the benefit of the company and the company will only hear and act on what it wants to. This is a good time to share that you’re gathering insights you intend to follow up on.
  • Myth #3: Exit interviews only dwell on the negative. Finally, some employees may assume that the feedback from these interviews is always negative. In reality, they can be a chance to highlight strengths and things that work as often as problems.

Creating an Effective Exit Interview Process

To maximize the potential of exit interviews, start by putting some structure and expectations in place. Here are a few things to think about:

Establish Clear Objectives

First and foremost, identify the goals you’re trying to achieve. That could be understanding the reasons behind employee turnover or uncovering areas for enhancing work culture. The goals will depend on your organization’s size, industry, and specific challenges. For example, a startup might focus on understanding the impact of its dynamic work environment, while a larger corporation might be more concerned with systemic issues in management or career development pathways. Whatever it is, define it and be sure your exit interviewers know it.

Develop a Standardized Questionnaire

Consistency is key in exit interviews. It’s a charged, emotional time, and too easy for interviewers and interviews to get bogged down in their feelings. Develop a standardized questionnaire that keeps everything objective and comparable. This doesn’t mean every interview should be rigidly identical, but having a consistent framework of questions helps in drawing relevant insights.

Questions might include:

  • “What prompted your decision to leave?”
  • “How would you describe the culture of our company?”
  • “What changes would you recommend to improve the work environment?”

Training Interviewers

The effectiveness of an exit interview is going to rely on the skills of the interviewers – so be sure you select and train them well. Essential attributes include empathy, neutrality, and the ability to listen without judgment.

Ensuring Confidentiality and Trust

Your exit interviews will be a waste of time if you don’t create a safe place for candor. Employees must feel safe to share honest feedback without fear of reprisal – for them or their peers – or breach of privacy. This means clearly communicating the confidentiality of their responses and ensuring that the data collected is used responsibly and ethically.

Feedback Analysis and Action Plan

Finally, you have to actually do something with what you learn. The real value of exit interviews is in analyzing the feedback and turning it into an actionable plan. See below for more on this.

6 Tips for Conducting Employee Exit Interviews

Navigating exit interviews doesn’t have to be a stiff and formal affair. Keeping a touch of lightness and human connection can make these sessions both insightful and engaging. Here’s how:

1. Prepare in Advance

Preparation and laying the groundwork is the key to a great conversation. Your employee is the main character in the story they’re about to share, so be sure you’re familiar with the plot and main characters. Knowing the employee’s background will help you steer the discussion in a way that’s both meaningful and engaging. Wondering how to prepare for the feedback you might get? Check out our post of interview feedback examples.

2. Create a Comfortable Environment

Choose a setting that’s neutral but welcoming and try to limit the conversation to a predetermined 30 or 60 minutes. The atmosphere should encourage open dialogue, making the experience feel more like a two-way conversation and less like an interview. But be sensitive to their need for privacy, so if you take the conversation to the coffee shop, be sure you have a quiet corner.

3. Encourage Honesty

Let the employee know their honesty is not only invaluable but expected. Open the floor for them to share their experiences without judgment or argument. Reassure them that their feedback is both appreciated and impactful.

4. Be Neutral and Professional

Maintain a balance between professionalism and approachability. It’s important to be neutral but also show that you’re genuinely interested in their feedback.

5. Listen Actively

Active listening is key – it’s not just about hearing words, but also understanding the stories behind them. Show engagement with nods and affirmations and actually listen – creating a dialogue that’s as enriching for you as it is for them.

6. Conclude Positively

End on a positive note, making the employee feel valued and respected. A simple thank you and good wishes for their future endeavors can leave a lasting impression. You can’t change the fact that they are leaving, but this conversation will have a lot to do with how they feel about it.


Exit Interview Do’s and Don’ts

Looking for the do’s and don’ts for exit interviews? Here’s a quick rundown.


  • Focus on Constructive Feedback: Encourage departing employees to provide suggestions that can help improve the organization.
  • Ask Follow-On or Clarifying Questions: Is something unclear? This may be your one and only chance to get clarity on what the employee is sharing, so if anything feels unclear or vague, ask for more information.
  • Follow Up: The conversation doesn’t end with the exit interview. Follow up with them on the discussion, especially when you implement changes based on the feedback.
  • Stay Neutral and Professional: Keep a balanced, professional demeanor throughout the interview and ensure the departing employee feels respected and heard.


  • Argue or Dispute Claims: As hard as it might be to hear things a leaver says, you don’t want to get defensive. Avoid arguing, contradicting, or making excuses about what the employee shares. Your role is to listen and understand their perspective, even if you don’t agree with it.
  • Make Promises You Can’t Keep: Avoid the temptation to make promises or assurances that are beyond your capacity or intention to fulfill.
  • Ask Inappropriate Questions: Steer clear of questions that are too personal, irrelevant, or that might make the employee uncomfortable.
  • Rush: Take your time with the interview. Rushing through can imply that you don’t value their input sufficiently. Allocate enough time to have a meaningful conversation.
  • Ignore Feedback: One of the worst things you can do is ignore the feedback received.

Analyzing and Actioning Exit Interview Data

Once you’ve conducted your exit interviews, you’ll want to analyze the data effectively and translate it into meaningful action and tangible improvements.

Data Analysis Techniques

  • Categorize Feedback: Start by categorizing the feedback into themes such as management, work environment, career development, etc.
  • Look for Patterns: Analyze the data for recurring patterns or trends and use them for your employee engagement dashboard. Are there specific departments with high turnover? Are certain issues mentioned repeatedly? Identifying these patterns helps pinpoint systemic issues that need addressing.
  • Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis: Combine quantitative data (like ratings and surveys) with qualitative insights (employee comments). Quantitative data provides a measurable aspect of the feedback, while qualitative data offers deeper insight into employee experiences.
  • Benchmark Against Industry Standards: Where possible, compare your data with industry benchmarks. This helps in understanding if certain issues are unique to your organization.

Implementing Changes

  • Prioritize Action Items: Based on your analysis, identify which issues need immediate attention and which are long-term projects.
  • Develop a Plan: Create a detailed action plan with specific steps to address the identified issues. Assign responsibilities and set timelines for implementing these changes.
  • Monitor and Adjust: After implementing changes, monitor their effectiveness. Be prepared to make adjustments as needed.

Integrating Exit Interviews into Comprehensive HR Strategies

Exit interviews, when integrated into your overarching HR strategy, can transform from isolated discussions into powerful tools for continuous organizational enhancement. Here’s how to weave these insights into the fabric of your HR practices:

Data Analysis and AI Technology:

Leveraging data analysis and AI software can elevate the way you process and visualize exit interview data. Advanced tools can analyze the sentiment of written or spoken feedback, providing a deeper understanding of employee emotions and perspectives.

Visualization for Clarity:

Use software to create visual representations of the data. Charts, graphs, and heat maps can make complex data more accessible, helping to communicate findings clearly to leaders and stakeholders.

Strategic Integration:

Embed the insights gained from exit interviews into your overall HR strategy. This might involve revising policies, updating training programs, or redefining company culture initiatives.

Feedback Loop:

Establish a feedback loop where insights from exit interviews inform employee engagement strategies, recruitment processes, and retention plans. This holistic approach ensures that lessons learned are applied across the entire employee lifecycle.

Cultivating Alumni Networks:

Exit interviews are also a good time to welcome departing employees into your alumni network – whether formal or informal – and to invite them to be cheerleaders for your company.

Exit interviews should be a part of a larger framework that includes regular employee engagement surveys, performance evaluations, and other HR initiatives. The goal is always to use this valuable feedback as a catalyst for ongoing positive change.

Exit Interview FAQs

Still got questions? Need a little TL;DR? We got you. Let’s tackle some of the most common concerns about exit interviews with straightforward, easy-to-understand answers:

Q. Is it even worth it to conduct exit interviews?
A. Heck yes. They’re a goldmine for honest feedback to help make the workplace better and improve how things are done. Don’t skip them.

Q. Who’s the best person to chat with an employee during an exit interview?
A. Someone from HR who doesn’t have a direct working relationship with the employee, to keep things unbiased and low stress.

Q. How much time should we set aside for one of these chats?
A. Aim for about 30 to 60 minutes – just enough time for a meaningful conversation without dragging it out.

Q. What kinds of questions should we be asking?
A. Go for open-ended questions that dig into their work experience, why they’re leaving, and any advice they have for making things better.

Q. Should we use the same set of questions for every exit interview?
A. Yep, it helps keep things consistent and makes comparing notes a lot easier later on.

Q. How do we make sure everything said in the interview stays private?
A. By doing that. Give a solid promise that their feedback is just between them and HR and anonymous data crunching – meant only for making positive changes. Then keep that promise.

Q. What do we do with all the info we gather from these interviews?
A. Sift through it to spot trends and action points, then use that intel to spruce up the workplace.

Q. Is it cool to use exit interview feedback in other staff’s performance reviews?
A. Not even a little. It’s better to keep it focused on broader company improvements rather than on individual evaluations. However, if something problematic is uncovered in an exit interview, be sure to adequately investigate it.

Q. Can tech make exit interviews any easier or better?
A. Absolutely! AI and data tools can help sort out and make sense of all the feedback, pulling out the juicy insights.

Q. What’s the big win from doing exit interviews?
A. They can turn leavers into advocates, encourage boomerang employees, boost your employer brand and leave behind happier staff who stick around longer – all because you’ve gotten a deeper understanding of your employee experience and taken action to improve it.

The Enboarder platform is a powerful tool for onboarding – but did you know it can also help you when offboarding employees? Use our connections, communications, and nudges as a way to gather quantitative information and set the stage for a successful exit interview.

Contact us today for a tour of the platform to learn more about how to provide more human connection at every stage of the employee journey – even the end. Or read more about how to successfully offboard employees in our guide – Beyond Onboarding: Offboarding & Alumni Engagement.

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