Enboarder & AUT to Set New Onboarding Industry Standards

Posted in Talent & Onboarding

Enboarder customers can now test their experience-driven onboarding against the rest of the industry, benchmark their employee experience, and access eye-opening HR insights and data, thanks to a new partnership with Dr. Helena Cooper-Thomas from the University of Auckland.

Dr. Cooper-Thomas’ research focuses on employees’ relationships with both their colleagues and their employing organisation. Together with Enboarder, Dr Cooper-Thomas has launched a standardized and academically rigorous survey that measures the effectiveness of organizations’ onboarding programs.

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A three pronged approach to ensure happy newbies

Newcomers are surveyed at three different points during their onboarding journey: after their first week, after their first month, and after their third month.

The surveys are designed with the help of extensive research and insights from the Enboarder team, ensuring an accurate indication of the company’s overall Experience-Driven Onboarding performance.

Week 1: Socialization and set up

The first survey is all about the Welcome. How have colleagues and supervisors welcomed the new person, and what level of support are they providing? Does the newbie have a clear schedule for their onboarding, and do they have all the resources they need to do their job?

Month 1: Resources and feedback

This second survey focuses on the resources and support the new person is getting as they start settling in to the organization and getting up to speed. Are their colleagues and supervisors making time for them? Do they get timely and useful feedback on how they are doing? The survey also asks about the newcomer’s engagement and social connection with colleagues.

Month 3: Engagement and pride

Three months into their new role, the third survey asks the newcomer about the level of support and resources they have access to, while also polling them about their engagement levels, and the pride they have in working for the organization.


Focus on action, not data

Today, we’re surrounded by data, and if we’re lucky – insights, but action is what really matters. The real benefit of the Enboarder feedback platform is, if the newcomer is having a less than ideal experience, the data collected can trigger a multitude of actions.

  • Newbies not getting all the resources they need to work effectiveness? Let their manager know.
  • Having issues getting to know the team? Nudge their buddy.
  • Got an IT issue? Create a ticket in your IT system.

All this means you can quickly turn data into action, transforming your great onboarding programs into amazing onboarding experiences.


At last, onboarding insights you can work with

With a standardized approach to measuring the effectiveness of your Experience-Driven Onboarding, you’ll have actionable insights based on real data:

  • Highlight if certain locations are doing a great job at onboarding newcomers
  • See exactly how engaged your newcomers are, and why
  • Identify and isolate resourcing issues

How does your onboarding weigh up?

If you’re still doing onboarding the same way you were doing it five years ago, it’s time to make a change.

To find out how you can improve your engagement with newcomers, reduce attrition, and get your hiring managers involved, read our free guide, “Your Onboarding Is Terrible“.

About Dr. Helena Cooper-Thomas


Dr. Helena Cooper-Thomas is Professor of Organizational Behavior and Associate Dean Research in the Faculty of Business Economics and Law at Auckland University of Technology – AUT. Her research focuses on employees’ relationships with both their colleagues and their employing organization. A core strand of this research concerns new employee adjustment, also called “organisational socialization”. Dr. Cooper-Thomas has authored over 50 peer-reviewed international publications in journals including Journal of Organizational Behavior and the Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology. She has also contributed to a number of scholarly books, either as author, co-author or co-editor. Dr. Cooper-Thomas is Senior Associate Editor on the Journal of Managerial Psychology and on the Consulting Editorial Board of the Journal of Business and Psychology. She also provides ad hoc reviews for various other journals (e.g., Administrative Science Quarterly) as well as reviewing for awards and grants (e.g., 2018 SIOP Chair of the William A. Owens Scholarly Achievement Award).

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