LeasePlan Uncovered $90k in Lost Productivity

Case Study Transportation

“Enboarder supported our digitisation and automation focus, could be rolled out quickly, provided a better candidate experience, and helped us set up managers and new hires for success.”

With a presence in over 30 countries across the world, LeasePlan provides global leasing and vehicle fleet management services for businesses and governments of all shapes and sizes. Managing more than 116,000 vehicles in Australia and New Zealand, LeasePlan ANZ employs over 440 staff, and is committed to delivering great experiences for its customers and team members.




Challenge one – drowning in paper

LeasePlan’s Talent and Reward Manager Juliette Feunteun and the HR team were looking to drive a digital shift in the business, and step one was onboarding.

“We took the initiative to drive the HR function of the business from fully paper to fully digital, a transformation bringing to life the benefits of automation and digitisation, in line with the wider business strategy”

LeasePlan’s onboarding process was decentralised and manual – people had to print, fill, sign, scan and hand-deliver paper forms to desks.

“We would send the new hire packs out in the mail (contract, super forms etc.) and new hires would return them with errors and missing forms, or their handwriting would be illegible. Our team would then need to follow up with each new hire to double check all the information.”

“Forms could also go missing and there was no way to track them. Errors were also being caused by the paper-based approach – such as typos in new hire names”

Challenge two – inconsistent onboarding experiences

“The onboarding process was mostly down to the individual manager. The recruiter would do some follow up on paperwork, but we were really asking the manager to proactively make the calls, touch base with the new hire before day one, and organise what needed to happen in the first few months.”

As a result, LeasePlan’s new hires were having vastly different experiences.

“Some managers recruit every month and are very experienced with managing onboarding; some recruit once every couple of years. In high growth areas, upcoming leaders needed support as they had never managed recruitment and onboarding before.”

Probation review feedback showed some people were not consistently receiving the information they needed or receiving the right equipment in time when they were being onboarded, which was affecting their overall ability to perform during the first six months.


    The Solution

    Juliette heard about Enboarder over dinner with some industry peers.

    “Networking and word of mouth referral is my preferred method for finding new ideas of potential tools for our business. All HR teams face similar challenges, so if a peer is successfully using a solution, I will investigate its potential benefits and outcomes for LeasePlan.”

    The HR leadership team wanted a solution that would provide a strong return on investment, a tool that could over-deliver on functionality and efficiency and provide additional value.

    “Enboarder supported our digitisation and automation focus, could be rolled out quickly, provided a better candidate experience, and helped us set up managers and new hires for success.”

    One of the best things about Enboarder for LeasePlan was how quickly it can be rolled out and how easy it is to train people to use it.

    “Two thirds of our HR team are skilled up and able to use Enboarder, which means they can easily collaborate on projects and be agile when thinking up new use cases.”

    “We now use Enboarder for onboarding all new hires. We have also used it to deliver a new leadership training program, deliver invites to internal events, manage our annual compliance declarations, and deliver our exit interview/offboarding process.”


      The Results

      LeasePlan found Enboarder’s ability to centralise and automate processes invaluable. It has allowed them to solve their paperwork challenges and streamline their interdependent process. The result is an onboarding process that is much simpler and enjoyable, while remaining thorough and compliant.

      • LeasePlan’s HR team estimate that they have made a cost saving of almost $40,000 with the reduction of labour administration, re-work and processing that Enboarder has enabled.
      • The increased efficiency in their onboarding process has saved them an estimated $120,000 – with new hires becoming proficient in a shorter amount of time.
      • LeasePlan also estimate that they have recovered almost $90,000 in lost productivity based on the cost of vacant roles as a direct result of pre-day one drop outs.
      • From a sustainability perspective, the team estimates that they have saved $1,795 in printing and mailing costs.

      Enboarder has also solved the inconsistent onboarding challenge that LeasePlan was experiencing.

      “Enboarder has been amazing, the adoption and engagement from our managers has been very positive and they can see the benefits. The process is simpler and managers know they will be prompted at exactly the right time to complete all the necessary tasks.”

      “Overall, we were able to get some very clear and quick return on investment with continual improvements and efficiency by being one of the first teams to implement a user-friendly digital automation tool. We were very happy to be the ones to do that given that HR isn’t traditionally expected to be a very innovative department when it comes to technology. If we didn’t have Enboarder I don’t think we would have been able to achieve so much.”

      “Enboarder can do anything you want it to. It can do what other systems do, but those systems can’t do all of what Enboarder does. For me personally, I think of it as a big toolbox that triggers creativity. You can have fun with it and create a truly great experience for new hires and hiring managers.”

        “Enboarder has been amazing, the adoption and engagement from our managers has been very positive and they can see the benefits. The process is simpler and managers know they will be prompted at exactly the right time to complete all the necessary tasks.”

        The increased efficiency in their onboarding process has saved them an estimated $120,000 – with new hires becoming proficient in a shorter amount of time.

        “If we didn’t have Enboarder I don’t think we would have been able to achieve so much.”