Put Human Connection and Experience At the Core of Your Onboarding Process

Connect new hires to the colleagues and information that matters to jump-start belonging, engagement, and productivity.


Enboarder for Employee Onboarding

Make Employees Feel Valued and Welcomed

Create memorable moments of connection  with personalized messages, meaningful surprises, team catch ups, and more!

Deliver Unique Onboarding That Cuts Through The Noise

Turn your onboarding process into a series of timely, bite-sized prompts and engaging content that excites and educates.

Help Managers Become Memory-Makers

Offer ideas and inspiration to lift the burden on managers and guide them to create a consistent, dazzling first impression.

The Impact of Connected Onboarding with Enboarder


YoY decrease in 6-month leavers


Increase in new hire productivity


Reduction in new hire no shows

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“Our company pillars are personalization, human touch, and education, and I think that’s what Enboarder helps us bring is that human element. We talk about our culture, about being a tribe, and being a collectiveness, and that’s what Enboarder helps us bring to life.”

Sarah Beardsworth,

HR Director

The Use Cases Where We Can Help

General Onboarding

Create consistently exceptional onboarding experiences that your new hires and managers will love.


How Ogilvy Digitized Their Onboarding Journey

Graduate Onboarding

Surprise your youngest hires with a memorable start to their career.

Candidate Experience

Delight candidates with a personable experience from the moment they apply.

Employee Onboarding Software Done Differently

Our Unique Features

Introduce New Best Work Friends

Connect people with the buddies, mentors, and allies who will help them succeed in their new role.

Set New Hires Up For Success

Pre-board with helpful instructions and equipment requests to jump-start time to productivity.

Wrangle Your Hiring Managers

Coach your managers to create a consistent onboarding experience and start building lasting relationships.

Create Rich Content In Minutes

A stunning UI paired with unmatched customization means a new benchmark for employee experiences.

Deliver Personalization At Scale

Automatically adapt employee journeys based on data and feedback.

Track Progress, Feedback & More

Track the metrics that matter in our advanced reporting center, then adapt your journeys on the fly.

3 Reasons Why Connection Matters in Onboarding Software

1. Onboarding is your first opportunity to build connections with new employees and create “wow moments” that foster belonging.

2. You want to lay a foundation for future cooperation and success. HR onboarding software helps to orchestrate meaningful, positive experiences with managers and peers. 

3. Employee onboarding software that encourages human connection is also fantastic for your employer brand, helping to expedite the hiring process, reduce new hire attrition, and generate amazing word-of-mouth referrals.


Resource Center

Stories, research, and templates to help you leverage the power of human connection in your workplace.

Make the Connection

Get a guided tour of Enboarder’s employee communication and workflow platform.